Viale Premuda 14, 20129 Milano - - 0250030724

Corsi Microsoft

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Commerce Functional Consultant

Codice corso: MB-340T00-AC
Durata corso: 4gg


Dynamics 365 Commerce functional consultants set up and use the application functionality in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Commerce, and provide support for the application. The functional consultant typically has a strong understanding of unified commerce business operations, and experience configuring, deploying, maintaining, and using Microsoft Dynamics 365 Commerce. This four-day course covers the essentials for the role.
The audience for this course is either: a Dynamics 365 consultant who wants to learn Commerce, or a retail analyst with core Dynamics 365 experience who wants to apply their skills to the Dynamics product family.


After completing this course, students will be able to:
  • Configure Dynamics 365 Commerce Headquarters
  • Configure products, prices, discounts, loyalty, and affiliations
  • Manage Point of Sale (POS) in Dynamics 365 Commerce
  • Configure and Manage Dynamics 365 Commerce call centers
  • Manage e-commerce
  • Course Detailskeyboard_arrow_up


Before attending this course, students must have:
  • Core Microsoft Dynamics 365 skills (or MB-300 certification)
  • General understanding of Commerce principles


MODULE 1: Get started with Dynamics 365 Commerce

Dynamics 365 Commerce delivers a complete omnichannel solution that unifies the operating system in-store, and e-Commerce experiences to personalize customer engagement, increase employee productivity, optimize operations, and deliver better business outcomes.


  • Introduction to Unified Commerce platform
  • Dynamics 365 Commerce architecture
  • Deployment of Dynamics 365 Commerce
  • Hardware and peripherals
Lab : Group discussion on hardware
Lab : Group discussion on store topologies

MODULE 2: Configure Commerce Headquarters

Before Dynamics 365 Commerce channels can be created and used, several prerequisites must be completed. Configuration of those prerequisites enables successful transactions in commerce channels.
  • Configure prerequisites and Commerce parameters
  • Configure and maintain payment processing
  • Configure Commerce Data Exchange (CDX)
  • Configure delivery modes and charges
  • Configure and work with statements
Lab : Configure prerequisites for Online store channel
Lab : Group discussion on selection of the right payment connector 

MODULE 3: Products and Merchandising

Dynamics 365 Commerce is an end-to-end merchandising solution that you can use to manage product lifecycles from creation to maintenance, distribution, and publishing through commerce channels. You can consistently complete processes by using embedded workflows.


  • Product information management
  • Merchandising in Dynamics 365 Commerce
  • Product recommendations and product discovery
Lab : Configure a retail product
Lab : Group discussion on Product discoverability

MODULE 4: Retail Pricing

Dynamics 365 Commerce includes an omnichannel pricing engine. You can configure the system so that all commerce channels use the same options. You can also create channel-specific pricing, discounts coupons, and promotions.


  • Manage Pricing
  • Manage discounts and promotions
Lab : Create and simulate sales pricing
Lab : Retail discounts

MODULE 5: Loyalty and customer experience

The goal of any retail business is to increase sales while also increasing customer satisfaction with the retailer’s brand. Proper customer management and loyalty policies empower sales associates to become trusted advisors and establish long-term relationships with their customers. 
Dynamics 365 Commerce helps organizations to gain a unified view of customers and manage exciting customer incentives including affiliations and loyalty programs.


  • Customer Management
  • Loyalty and affiliations
Lab : Configure a new Loyalty scheme
Lab : Group discussion on Importance of clienteling in Retail

MODULE 6: Point of sale

Dynamics 365 Commerce allows for the centralized configuration and management of multiple Commerce channels. The requirements for brick-and-mortar operations are unique compared to other Commerce channels. Transactions can be performed in Dynamics 365 Commerce point of sale (POS) to register sales and returns in several ways.


  • Introduction to POS
  • Channel Setup
  • Configure Cash and Shift management
  • Worker Setup
  • Point of Sale Setup
  • Customer management at POS
  • Transaction processing
  • Inventory processing
  • End of day processing
  • Reporting
  • Configure and work with Task management
  • Test POS
  • Maintain registers and devices
  • Localization
Lab : Set up a new POS register and device
Lab : Create a customer pick up order and pick up the order 

MODULE 7: Configure and work with call centers in Dynamics 365 Commerce

Dynamics 365 Commerce is an omnichannel solution that provides a call center channel with capabilities for order capturing, payment processing and customer service.


  • Configure channel
  • Configure Product Catalogs
  • Configure Order Holds
  • Create call center orders
  • Configure call center directed selling
  • Configure Returns and Refunds
  • Configure continuity orders and installment billing
Lab : Create transactions in a call center
Lab : Create a call center order 

MODULE 8: Work with E-Commerce in Dynamics 365 Commerce

Dynamics 365 Commerce adds a native e-commerce toolset to the existing Dynamics 365 capabilities. The toolset is designed to streamline the organizations’ commerce business with an end-to-end solution across traditional and emerging channels. Capabilities include built-in authoring and development tools, engaging and intelligent digital storefronts, and a connected marketing and commerce platform.


  • Describe e-commerce core capabilities
  • Configure an E-Commerce Channel in Dynamics 365 HQ
  • Configure an E-Commerce site
  • Configure and manage E-Commerce site content
  • Describe & Demonstrate digital asset management
  • Configure business-to-business (B2B) site
  • Configure Ratings and reviews functionality
  • Demonstrate E-Commerce Order Processing
Lab : Configure an online store channel
Lab : Create and manage an e-commerce site

MODULE 9: Manage order fulfillment and inventory in Dynamics 365 Commerce

Dynamics 365 Commerce provides functionality to manage store inventory, including store inventory replenishment capabilities, inbound and outbound store inventory operations, and order fulfillment.


  • Configure and work with Stock replenishment
  • Configure and work with Order fulfillment
Lab : Set up a rule for DOM & see it in action
Lab : DOM Scenarios, Rules and examples

MODULE 10: Work with Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection

Dynamics 365 Fraud Protection is a cloud-based solution that is designed for e-commerce, brick-and-mortar stores, and omnichannel merchants to help protect their revenue and reputation by providing tools and capabilities to decrease fraud and abuse, reduce operational expenses, and increase acceptance rates, all while safeguarding user accounts from fraud exposure.


  • Overview of Dynamics Fraud Protection
  • Describe Dynamics Fraud Protection Services
  • Configure and work with Dynamics Fraud Protection with Dynamics 365 Commerce
Lab : Group discussion: Discuss options for identifying and preventing fraud
Lab : Group discussion: A fraud protection case study

P.IVA 06249920965
C.C.I.A.A. REA: MI - 1880014
Cap. Soc. € 12.000,00


Viale Premuda n. 14 ,20129 Milano
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