Viale Premuda 14, 20129 Milano - - 0250030724

Corsi Microsoft

Microsoft Cloud Workshop: Cloud-native applications

Codice corso: 40501G
Durata corso: 1gg


In this workshop, you will build a proof of concept (POC) that will transform an existing PaaS application to a container-based application. This POC will deliver a multi-tenant web app hosting solution leveraging Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), Docker containers on Linux nodes, and a migration from MongoDB to CosmosDB.

This workshop is intended for Cloud Architects and IT professionals who have architectural expertise of infrastructure and solutions design in cloud technologies and want to learn more about Azure and Azure services as described in the ‘About this Course’ and ‘At Course Completion’ areas.  Those attending this workshop should also be experienced in other non-Microsoft cloud technologies, meet the course prerequisites, and want to cross-train on Azure.


At the end of this workshop, you will be better able to improve the reliability of and increase the release cadence of your container-based applications through time-tested DevOps practices.


Workshop content presumes 300-level of architectural expertise of infrastructure and solutions design. We suggest students take this prerequisite prior to attending this workshop.

Microsoft Azure Essentials course,


MODULE 1: Whiteboard Design Session - Cloud-native applications


  • Review the customer case study
  • Call to action: Design a proof of concept solution
  • Call to action: Present the solution

MODULE 2: Hands-on Lab - Cloud-native applications


  • Create and run a Docker application
  • Deploy the solution to Azure Kubernetes Service
  • Scale the application and test HA
  • Setup load balancing and service discovery (Infrastructure Edition)
  • Working with services and routing application traffic (Developer Edition)

P.IVA 06249920965
C.C.I.A.A. REA: MI - 1880014
Cap. Soc. € 12.000,00


Viale Premuda n. 14 ,20129 Milano
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