Viale Premuda 14, 20129 Milano - - 0250030724

Best Practice and Standard

Corso MALC - Managing Across the Lifecycle

Codice corso: ITMALC
Durata corso: 5gg

The ITIL® Intermediate Qualification "Managing Across the Lifecycle Certificate" (MALC) is the final module of the Service Lifecycle and/or Service Capability modules that leads to the ITIL® Expert in IT Service Management. The purpose of this training module and the associated exam and certificate is, respectively, to impart, test, and validate the knowledge across the contents of the ITIL® publications; focusing on business, management and supervisory objectives, purpose, processes, functions and activities, and on the interfaces and interactions between the processes addressed in the five core ITIL® publications. Sconti per iscrizioni multiple.


Introduction to IT Service Management Business and Managerial Issues

Managing the Planning and Implementation of IT Service Management

Management of Strategic Change

Risk Management

Understanding Organisational Challenges

Service Assessment

Lifecycle Project Assessment

Understanding Complementary Industry Guidance In addition the training for this certification should include examination preparation, including a mock examination opportunity.


CIOs, Senior IT Managers, IT Managers and Supervisors, IT professionals and IT Operation practitioners.


Per sostenere l’esame MALC è necessario aver conseguito la certificazione ITIL Foundation oltre ad altre certificazioni ITIL Service Lifecycle e/o Service Capability per un totale di 15 crediti. E’ richiesto l’invio dei certificate originali. E’ inoltre obbligatoria la frequenza al corso MALC. Si consiglia un’accurata valutazione dei prerequisiti richiesti prima di iscriversi al corso. Adfor è disponibile per ogni approfondimento e chiarimento

“Accredited Corso ITIL® Intermediate Qualification "Managing Across the Lifecycle Certificate" (MALC) training is provided by ADFOR, accredited by Peoplecert. ITIL® is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved.”

P.IVA 06249920965
C.C.I.A.A. REA: MI - 1880014
Cap. Soc. € 12.000,00


Viale Premuda n. 14 ,20129 Milano
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